Hi guys,
thanks a lot, the remarks from Andre sound very promissing. I will check this as soon as I get home and I will inform you all about my findings. Maybe my knowledge of the German language is that bad that I've overread this in the "Handbuch" however I will try this out.
Maybe I have to start a newby section on my homepage since I'm really new with this sort of devices. I searched the archive and found a lot of messages dealing with these problems but I did not find specifics on what I should or should not see on the unit.
I will keep you posted on my proceedings.
Noch mahl vielen Dank und ich hoffe dass jetzt alles klappt.
Gr, Bart
> Hallo Bart & Martin, > > > maybe you should remove the unit from the board and use it alone. > > The serial can be connected with applied cable directly on the unit too. > > Use jumpers to activate the reset and boot, then remove reset jumper, > > and after 30 seconds remove boot jumper. > > > > If it continues to run a program after that procedure, you have a broken unit. > > If not, the boot key is not correctly wired on the "Regler Board". > > The boot-key is correctly wired on the CC2-ReglerBoard > I have uploaded the OS many times on CC2-Units mounted on the > CC2-ReglerBoard. So there can not be the problem. > The only different thing is that the reset takes about one second more time > because of the onboard watchdog-circuit. > But this would only mean that you must press the boot-key a little bit longer. > > > > > > Tnx Martin for your response, the unit doesn't show a blank screen, it just stays in hostmodus > > > > (when it was in hostmodus before I go through the bootroutine) > > > > or it resets and runs a programm (when the unit was running a programm). > > > > Whatever I do, I never get a blank screen. > > Bart, here you misunderstood Martin. There will never be a blank screen !! > (Only, if you press boot before connecting the supply) > If you try to set the boot-mode there will be > You will further see the last message. > e.g. the unit was in hostmode before you set the boot-mode there will > further displayed the message "HOSTMODE". > If you try to set the boot-mode and the message in the display dosen't > change then you are in the boot-mode. > > > > > > > > > > > The voltage level of the boot line seems to be OK for me. > > > > > TTL-low level is below 0,8 Volt. And 2,5 Volt is definitely more than this. > > > > > > > The boot-pin(BSL) is shared with the address-bus for the RAM and FLASH. > So you will measure 2,5 volts, but in real there are 0 and 5 volts, because > there is activity on the address-bus. > > regards André H. > >