Hallo Johan,
What does the display say during the download ? Before downloading there mußt be displayed "HOSTMODE". At the begin of the download there mußt first be displayed "ERAS VMC" and then "LOAD VMC". What is displayed after the download before you try to start ? There mußt be displayed the Message "HOSTMODE". If you can see the message "LOAD VMC" past download an error happend during the Download.
Try to Use the "CC2Net.de - Download-Tool". You can find ist at "misc & Tools"
Regards André H.
> Sorry to do this in english, but i dont speak german. I have a C-Controll II Unit, and have te next problem -> > I can d/l the written source-code in de Unit, but after i want to run the code, > the unit keeps coming back in 'Host-Mode' (and the pins are not connected). What could be the cause of this problem, somebody please help me ?? > Greetings > Johan Jansma (Holland)