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Re: Ubertrage programme Kategorie: CC2-Unit & Appl.Board / CC2-Station (von Martin Binder - 18.10.2001 12:39)
Als Antwort auf Re: Ubertrage programme von Rene Overgauw - 17.10.2001 16:43

> When i use NT4 it worked about 2 time's in the begining, but now it fails every time.
> When i use Win98 i have to load the OS everytime before i load a new program (this works always)
> If i try to load a new program without reloading the OS i get an error at the end of the download.
> Maybe someone knows what i am doing wrong.

are you doing the download with the download tool, or do you use the load button from the IDE ?
Maybe your problem is, that the "vmc erase" step is not done before downloading with the tool.
Another stupid bug: you forget to set the unit in HOSTMODE before downloading a new vmc.

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Re: Ubertrage programme (von Rene Overgauw - 18.10.2001 13:03)