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Re: Tatsächlich kein Assembler für CC2? Kategorie: Programmierung (von Eric - 22.07.2001 18:20)
Als Antwort auf Tatsächlich kein Assembler für CC2? von Franz P. - 18.07.2001 13:31

Using the system.call() function I can call an assembly routine in segment 3 (written using the tasking assembler). However when I try to return to the C2 program using the RETS instruction the C-Control restarts. The C164 manual gives only the RETS instruction to return to an other segment. So if anyone can figure out this last step we can enjoy the full speed of the C164 processor!

On the bottom of page 123 of the manual an example of the call() function on the CD is mentioned. Has anyone found that?

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