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Re: Addressing the sensor Kategorie: 2W-Bus (von martin binder - 18.03.2002 13:05)
Als Antwort auf Addressing the sensor von Matjaz - 16.03.2002 12:17

> I have C-II unit, 2W Bus Modem and T-23-100 Temperature Senzor. I would like to know if it is possible to address the sensors for communication ower 2W Bus Modem without the application board. Any idea how to enter the address?
> Thank you, Matjaz

I cannot clearly understand your problem, so I will try to explain as I expect your lack of knowledge.
To use any 2wBus devices you need to have a 2wBus - Modem.
This modem can be attached to the CC2 as well as to the CC1. The difference for CC2 is, that you
need to make a connection yourself, as there is no connector on the Appl-Board.
If you have no Appl-Board this is no problem, as it would not help you in case of CC2.
Be careful, there are two types of modems, one is for serial interface (...-SM) and one for binary CC2 ports.
The 2wBus devices are connected to the modem by two wires only (as the name says).
I would like to point out my CC2 driver (twbs.zip) as there is a little documentation included, but it is in
German....look into the "Module&Funktionen" - section, far down to the bottom.
You can use my driver "twbs.c2" for: T23-100, both PIOs and the little 2x8LCD device.
If you are in deep trouble, send me a mail with your specific problems and I will try to help.

Here a few hints from my experiments:
Every 2wBus device has a jumper. When you put it in place, this device uses address 85 decimal.
You can program it (85) to use another address (for example 01).
Then the jumper has to be removed.
Then you send the same program command to 85 for using 01 again (no, this is no mistake).
From then on you can use that device at address 01.
Next you can place a jumper to another device on the 2WBus and continue as before.

All 2wBus devices work this way, but additionally have a lot of other valid commands.
You better use the specific manual for each device to find out all about the commands.

Hoping, not to have confused you...

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