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Re: connector Kategorie: Verschiedenes (von Norbert - 18.08.2005 8:06)
Als Antwort auf connector von bart - 17.08.2005 22:24
Ich nutze:
C-Control II Unit, CC2-Application-Board, OSOPT V3.0
hi Bart,

I found socket strips, 20 poles, double row under URL http://www.reichelt.de/

just look for order nr prbl20d. A pdf file with specs is also provided there.

Greetings from northern Germany,


> hi,
> I am wondering where I can buy the female connectors on the application board to plug the c-control II unit in.
> I thought conrad would provide them, but I can not find them.
> Sorry for writing in English, but there seems to be no forum dedicated to the English speeking community.
> Thanks a lot for your help,
> Bart

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Re: connector (von André H. - 18.08.2005 17:01)