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Differential mode und Common mode im CAN-Bus Kategorie: CAN-Bus (von sommer - 13.07.2005 5:23)


In meinem CAN-Buch steht

For CAN networks obviously a DC path of 120 Ohm // 120 Ohm = 60 Ohm for dominant signals must
be provided. The location of the terminating resistors should not matter at the moment. These line
terminations are valid only for the differential mode signal, since the common mode signal is not
properly terminated.

Kann mir jemand erklären, was der Autor damit meint?
Differential mode = dominant bit?
Common mode = recessive bit?

Danke im Vorraus

    Antwort schreiben


Re: Differential mode und Common mode im CAN-Bus (von Daniel - 13.07.2005 14:45)