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Ich nutze:
C-Control II Unit
C-Control II Station
CCRP5 mit CC2-Unit (Conrad Roboter)
eigenes Board
original OS     OSOPT_V2     OSOPT V3.0 OSOPT V3.1

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> &gt; Hallo alle, ich habe ein Problem mit den Bootstrap und auch meine kenntnisse der Deutsche > &gt; Sprache so weiter aufs English. > &gt; Today, finally my c-control ii unit arrived. I mounted it on the cc.tools regler board and > &gt; tried to install a new version of the os. Unfortunately I can not get the unit to go into bootstrap modus. > &gt; I push the reset button and the boot button simultaneously and release the reset button. > &gt; After about 40 seconds I also release the boot button. > &gt; If the unit was in Hostmode it does not change the status and if the unit was running it boots the program again. > &gt; I use the standard yellow and red coloured buttons from the regler board. > &gt; I must be doing something wrong but I have no idea what? Somebody similar experience? > &gt; > &gt; Tnx Bart > > By the way: the voltage behaviour of the boot line is rather strange. After a reset (only pressing the reset > button for a short period) the boot line goes high (5v) but just before > the unit comes back (when the piezo clicks and it says cc2 v1.0 on the lcd) > it drops to about 2,5 V and it stays in that status.
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