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C-Control II Unit
C-Control II Station
CCRP5 mit CC2-Unit (Conrad Roboter)
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original OS     OSOPT_V2     OSOPT V3.0 OSOPT V3.1

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> I am also trying to call some assembly routine from a C2 program. I'm able to call to routine in segment 3, it executes correctly, but at the RETS instruction the C-Control reboots. > To find out what wrong I'm now trying to disassemble the os.hex file! I use the CrossView debugger supplied on the CD (just read the os.hex file as an image). So far I found a jump table for all VM-codes at address 0x394. For the call function (code 62) the entry is 0x3db6. At this address I see a construction to call the assembly routine. However, how it works I haven't figured out -yet-. It seems R4 and R5 hold the segment and offset to be called, by pushing these on the stack and performing a RETS instruction, the call is made. >
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