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C-Control II Unit
C-Control II Station
CCRP5 mit CC2-Unit (Conrad Roboter)
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original OS     OSOPT_V2     OSOPT V3.0 OSOPT V3.1

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> I am trying to create my first assembler program for the C2. > I created a simple ASM file in the tasking environment, build it into a HEX file, but > when I download it I get a BURN ERR and an incomplete transfer. (I noticed that cris mentioned the same error previously but there was never an explanation entered). > I assume I don&#39;t have the right tasking environment setup. > > I am looking for a simple ASM program (like the one in the examples) that I can load in the tasking compiler and produce a HEX file. Also how to download it in the user system segment. > I assume you use the download tool, lookup the file, choose ubertragen. But in what mode needs the C2 unit to be, in host mode or in boot mode (I assume host). > > Thanks > A3
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