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Kommentar: Einfügen von HTML im Kommentar: Link einfügen: <a href="LINKURL" target="_blank">LINKTITEL</a> Bild einfügen: <img src="BILDURL"> Text formatieren: <b>fetter Text</b> <i>kursiver Text</i> <u>unterstrichener Text</u> Kombinationen sind auch möglich z.B.: <b><i>fetter & kursiver Text</i></b> C2 Quellcode formatieren: <code>Quellcode</code> ASM Quellcode formatieren: <asm>Quellcode</asm> (Innerhalb eines Quellcodeabschnitts ist kein html möglich.) Wichtig: Bitte mache Zeilenumbrüche, bevor Du am rechten Rand des Eingabefeldes ankommst ! > > Why don't you just look (or search for "keil compiler") about 10 posts earlier than your own? > There you'll find exactly how to set up the compiler for the C-Control2. > > If you want to use the C2 operating system, just use 0x30000 for offset and don't use variables > that needs to access the ram area for storage. > > Transfer is done with the tool Andre has on his homepage, it can transfer both as completely > new OS or with offset so you call your C program from the original OS. >